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Orders & Circulars issued for Pensioners
 Pensioner's Corner
S.No. Order No. Order Date Order Issued By Subject of Order
49 01-05/PD-II/366 26.04.2022 ED(HR),CSPHCL 3% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.01.2022 - Order for Arrears.
40 01-05/PD-II/1269 20.11.2021 ED(HR),CSPHCL 3% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.07.2021 - Order for Arrears.
49 05-06/Pension/SAP/8338 19.12.2018 ED(Fin.),CSPDCL Pensioner registration for mail & mobile number
48 05-01/Finance/2227 12.12.2018 GM(Fin.),CSPHCL Regarding pension of the pensioners whose pension is fixed by MPSEB and transferred to CSEB as perĀ  SAC-EB recommendation.
47 05-06/18-19/7622 12.11.2018 ED(Fin.),CSPDCL Regarding taking Live certificate from pensioners by Regional Accounts Offices.
46 01-05/PD-II/F-I(Vol.-II)/865 22.09.2018 GM(HR),CSPHCL Amendment in DA rate, DA revised as 9% w.e.f. 01.07.2018 (Pensioners and Family Pensioner)-with order for Arrears.
45 05-06/18-19/Pension/6204 30.08.2018 ED(Fin.),CSPDCL Regarding fast settlement of the cases related to pension .
44 01-05/PD-II/749 28.08.2018 GM(HR),CSPHCL DA from July-2017 to allotted Pensioners of MPEB; Order by MPPTCL, Jabalpur.
43 05-06/Pension/1193 15.06.2018 ED(Fin.),CSPDCL Regarding information about cases of Pension fixation .
42 01-05/PD-II/F-I(Vol.-II)/404 24.04.2018 GM(HR),CSPHCL Amendment in DA rate, DA revised as 7% w.e.f. 01.01.2018 (Pensioners and Family Pensioner)-with order for Arrears .
41 05-06/17-18/Pension/624 06.02.2018 ED(HR),CSPHCL Regarding Payment of arrears and Pension fixation of Pensioners and Family Pensioners.
40 05-06/17-18/Pension/617 06.02.2018 ED(HR),CSPHCL Regarding Payment of arrears and Pension fixation of Pensioners and Family Pensioners .
39 05-06/17-18/Pension/517 25.01.2018 ED(HR),CSPHCL Regarding Pension fixation of Pensioners and Family Pensioners for the duration 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2016 .
38 05-06/17-18/Pension/157 09.01.2018 ED(HR),CSPHCL Pension fixation of Pensioners and Family Pensioners .
37 01-05/PD-II/1207 14.12.2017 AGM(HR),CSPHCL DA for the period July-2016 to Nov-2016 to allotted Pensioners of MPEB; Order by MPPTCL, Jabalpur .
36 01-05/PD-V/301(1)/356 20.04.2016 AGM(HR),CSPHCL 6% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.01.2016 - Order for Arrears .
35 01-05/PD-V/301(1)/1064 02.11.2015 AGM(HR),CSPHCL 6% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.07.2015 - Order for Arrears .
34 01-03/Pension/Arreras/2328 22.09.2015 ED(HR),CSPHCL Payment of Arrears of Interim Relief including arrears of DA/DR in one installment to Pensioners .
33 01-03/WAC/IR-2015/1790 23.07.2015 AGM(HR),CSPHCL Interim Relief @7.5 , to all the Pensioners/family pensioners of Chhattisgarh State Power Companies with effect from 01.04.2014.
32 01-05/PD-V/301(1)/558 03.06.2015 AGM(HR),CSPHCL 6% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.01.2015 - Order for Arrears
32 01-05/PD-V/310(1)/1369 05.11.2014 ED(HR),CSPHCL 7% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.07.2014 - Order for Arrears
31 01-05/PD-V/301(1)/558 01.10.2014 ED(HR),CSPHCL 7% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.07.2014
30 01-05/PD-V/310(1)/457 22.04.2014 AGM(HR),CSPHCL 10% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.01.2014
29 01-05/PD-V/310(1)/994 01.10.2014 AGM(HR),CSPHCL 10% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.07.2013
28 01-05/PD-V/651 17.07.2013 AGM(HR),CSPHCL Circular regarding the amount of Dearness Relief payable
27 01-05/P.F/124 19.03.2013   Registration of Employee/Officer for New Contributory Pension Scheme
26 01-05/PD V/301(1)/393 15.05.2013   8% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.01.2013
25 01-05/PD V/301(1)/1261 25.10.2012   7% increase in DA from 01.07.2012
24 01-05/PD-V/924 25.07.2012 GM(HR),CSPHCL Committee for reduction of the paper work required in settlement of pension cases of Officer/Employees of Power Companies.
23 01-03/ WAC/ 3100 26.12.2011 GM (HR), CSPHCL Grant of Special Pension to old Pensioners
22 01-05/PD-I/301 (1)/ 1384 25.10.2011 DGM (HR), CSPHCL 7% increase in DA w.e.f 01.07.2011
21 01-05/ PD-I/375 05.04.2011 ED(HR), CSPHCL 6% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.01.2011
20 05-01/RP/12 02.04.2011 MD, CSPHCL Disbursement of Pension/ Amendments in Cir. No.05-01/RP/1953 dtd 17.02.2011
19 CSPHCL/ 1953 17.02.2011 MD, CSPHCL Amendment in certain clauses of PF and existing pensioners
18 01-03/WAC/3509 31.12.2010 ED(HR), CSPHCL Amendment in the period of Family Pension in respect of dependents
17 ED(HR)/ Pen/ 1572 02.12.2010 ED(HR), CSPHCL Fixation of pension of retired officers/ employees allocated by SAC-EB from MPSEB to CSEB
16 01-05/ PD-I/ 301/ 1472 28.10.2010 ED(HR), CSPHCL 10% increase in DA w.e.f. 01.07.2010
15 05-01/RP/771 10.09.2010 MD, CSPHCL Arrangement of Provident Fund and existing Pensioners - Amendment of earlier circular
14 ED(HR)/ Pen/ 431 24.07.2010 CE(HR) Fixation of Pension of Officers/ Officials allocated by SAC-EB from MPSEB
13 01-03/ 301/ 957 14.05.2010 ED(HR) 8% increase in DA from 01.01.2010
12 01-03/ WAC/ 1649 13.05.2010 ED(HR) Special Pension w.e.f. 01.04.2009
11 05-01/RP/ 1738(A) 24.04.2010 MD, CSPHCL Arrangement for Provident Fund & Arrangement for existing Pensioners
10 05-03/ Pension - Rev / 47 16.04.2010 ED(HR) Procedure for Fixation of Revised Pension w.e.f. 01.04.2009
9 01-02/ 301 (38)/ 1786 14.01.2010 AGM(HR) Revised DA to Pensioners w.e.f. 01.07.2009
8 01-03/PENSION/1660 20.05.2009 ED(HR) Revision of Ceiling of Minimum, Maximum and Family Pension
7 01-03/WAC/455 31.01.2009 Addl. Secretary Increase in the Maximum Ceiling of DCR Gratuity
6 01-03/WAC/3585 22.09.2008 Addl. Secretary Revision of Ceiling of Minimum, Maximum and Family Pension
5 01-03/WAC/3587 22.09.2009 Addl. Secretary Qualifying Service for Pension
4 01-03/Pension/2920 06.08.2008 Secretary Revision of Pension w.e.f. 01.08.2008
3 01-03/PEN/3681 19.11.2007 Secretary Revision fo Pension w.e.f. 01.12.2000.
2 01-04/PD-III/5228 20.09.2007 Addl.Secretary Payment of Pension.
1 01-05/PD-V/4502 18.10.2006 Addl Secretary Amendment in Pension Rule

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